DAY 21: Try A Daily Multivitamin

Best-MultivitaminNow, I’m not a physician, a dietician or a personal fitness trainer. I can only speak from my experience, what I’ve learned and what I was taught. Early on in the diet phase, my doctor encouraged me to take a daily multivitamin. The goal is to supplement need vitamins and minerals that might be missing or perhaps insufficient in my diet.

I take an active senior multivitamin supplement you can find in nearly any drugstore vitamin aisle. Now that’s a dash of reality especially when I’m taking a senior formula. For me, I struggle with a Vitamin D deficiency and need to supplement. Vitamin D is essential for good heart health. I know this because I’ve visited with my doctor who performs regular blood work to make sure my chemistry is right.

When you visit your doctor, talk about the use of certain vitamins and minerals or a multivitamin formula. If you’ve done the bloodwork, you’ll know via consult what steps you can take for a healthier you. I’ve benefited from a daily multivitamin routine.