DAY 22: Do Protein After A Workout

how_much_protein_should_we_eat_after_exerciseWhen you workout, you are effectively breaking down muscle. Protein is essential to consume after a workout; adding protein helps add muscle mass after exercise.

During the season when I was first losing weight several years ago and started back at the gym, I wasn’t eating as well as I should have been after being in the gym. I had to learn to eat to benefit the workout. It was during a series of conversations with my trainer, I began to understand the importance of proteins and carbohydrates. You spend the time exercising, why not eat to benefit from all the hard work?

For me, after I workout, I typically take in one of several options. I’ll eat a protein bar (lower sugar and fat), a protein shake, hummus, eggs or grilled chicken. It varies depending on the day and time of the workout, but I make protein a routine following exercise.