A Partner in Solutions

LC2The abortion conversation continues. Both Georgia and Alabama moved into the spotlight by creating proposals which limit medical procedures.

I believe in the sanctity of life. I’m not mad or political. I choose not to march, make accusations or voice political banter. I decided to make a difference in my own small way. My unique life experiences shape my position. I think if you were to walk in my shoes, you’d feel the same way. Let me explain.

I am the father of three children, two of whom are adopted. We were the answer for an unwed mother at her wit’s end trying to raise two toddlers. I applaud her for making a plan of adoption; my family was completed by her choice to give life. My wife and I chose to be a part of the solution.

I am the father of a daughter who chose to give life as an unmarried pregnant teenager. My daughter had the option, her physician even suggested terminating the pregnancy, but she decided to give life. It was the same decision her birth mother made by giving life. As I write this, my wife and I are babysitting for this granddaughter. She’s on the other side of the kitchen island eating a snack next to my wife. Life is a blessing.

I live on the front lines of personal and family crisis as a pastor. I’m the guy who gets called for the reparative work. I’ve never met a woman who chose abortion that didn’t suffer the defining guilt of her decision later in life. I have listened to too many stories of post-abortion remorse. I don’t want any person to experience this remorse and guilt.

As a Jesus follower, I believe God calls me to practice justice. This justice is often translated as advocating for the one who is unable to help or speak for themselves. This isn’t about politics and lawmaking, it’s about enabling people to choose life. It means you get involved in a life. You stand in the gap for the mother and the child.

I don’t believe legislation is the answer to this moral dilemma. Politicians don’t have an answer and are incapable of delivering one. If there’s going to be a difference made in this conversation, it’s going to be because Jesus followers step up and choose to make a difference. Instead of marching and picketing, you decide to walk with individuals and families in crisis. Choose to adopt, foster, financially support individuals choosing life, support organizations that assist in the solution, just to suggest a few solution options. This is about changing one life at a time; it is about saving one life at a time.

I want to be a part of a solution, don’t you?

2 thoughts on “A Partner in Solutions

  1. Tom Bagby

    Brad, this is very well said, and I do agree with the steps you suggest. I also believe politics can improve the situation, and, do so on a much larger scale. Whether or not we elect people with the moral courage to take it on, is another question and challenge. I feel the need to work on multiple solutions.

  2. Bill Anderson

    As Christians, we need to use our God given resources, our talents and our time, to help discourage abortion before it occurs. If it does occur, we need to come to the aid of the “victims” and show God’s love to them as they cope with what they have allowed to happen. Being judgmental of these people serves no positive purpose. Reserve judgement and criticism for the real offenders and enablers, the doctors who perform these acts and the politicians who make it possible. They are the sinners.

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