DAY 20: Exercise With A Friend

workingoutfriendWe’re more apt to do something if we’re doing it with someone else. Making plans with others promotes accountability. When you know someone is counting on you to meet them, you’re more likely to show up.

Two things happen when we work out with a buddy. First, it’s about being present. When someone is expecting you to show up, you show up. Second, when you’re working out with someone else, you’re encouraged to finish the routine and give it your best. Sometimes, when we exercise solo, we won’t work ourselves as hard when there’s another there to hold us accountable. We’ll cheat on form or reps. When we do, it penalizes our efforts in the long run.

Who can you start working out with? Who can you encourage while they challenge you? Find a buddy and work out together. It’ll make a difference for you.