DAY 19: Calendar Your Exercise

ScheduleWorkout If you’re going to get something done, you’ve got to make the time. How do you make the time? You write it into your calendar. Like most things, it won’t happen if you don’t schedule it. It’s like that for exercise. If you make the space for it, it’ll happen.

I have a phrase I recite for time to time. Good intentions matter not; it’s the follow-through that counts. We mean well; we talk a good game. We all have good intentions, but progress doesn’t happen without action. Exercise is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Follow through with your plans and make it count.

For me, I learned to write my gym time on the calendar. It’s a part of the planning of my day. Depending on my schedule and what I need to accomplish any given day, I’ll typically workout first thing in the morning. Some days I might workout over lunch. Every once in a while I might break up my day with a mid-afternoon workout especially if I’m working late that night. Seldom will I workout at night; it’s not my best time. Here’s what I do, I look at my calendar and schedule my workouts just like I schedule appointments, meetings, events, and study.

Look at your schedule. When are you at your best for exercise? Schedule it just like you make any other appointment.