DAY 5: Take A Walk

walkingshoesMovement is critical; sedentary living doesn’t promote a healthier you. How much time do you spend sitting down? It’s the desk job, the commute and couch potato in each of us that creates the challenge.

Make an effort to get the legs moving and the blood flowing. If you spend much of your day at a desk, take a break and walk down the hall or around the building. If you commute or travel, stop periodically to stretch your legs. Watching a movie or game? Get up during the commercials and walk around the room. When you go to the store, park away from the door to take a few more steps. Take a morning or evening walk around the block or your neighborhood. Every step you take is a step in the right direction.

So, to be completely honest, I don’t like walking or running. I know a lot of people who love to walk and run. That’s just not me. During my day, I’ve got to be intentional about getting up and moving. There are two specific things I do. First, when I’m in the office, I get up and walk around the office or campus routinely. The movement helps, but it also clears my mind. Second, when I’m at the gym, I intentionally circuit my routine for increased heart rate and physical movement. Also, I’m alternating the use of a rowing machine, elliptical, bike, stairs or treadmill (in order of popularity). While my preference is weight training, I know I have to work movement through circuit and cardio. It’s about a healthier life.