DAY 2: Be Honest With Yourself

iphonecameraEvery race has a starting point and a finish line. There’s a mark on the pavement; It’s the place where you begin. On your first day to a new you, take a selfie in the mirror. Step on the scale and get an accurate weighing. Be aware of your current reality and take ownership of it. You’ll use all these markers as indicators of your progress. To contrast where you’ve been to where you’ve come is a powerful motivator. It creates personal momentum.

For me, it was being honest with my appearance. It’s not that I’m vain, but I remember the first few videos we shot for the Exchange at Cool Spring. They say the camera adds ten pounds, but that would only be an excuse and justification. I didn’t like the way I looked on film and felt convicted about being overweight. Sure there are others heavier than I was and some skinnier. It wasn’t about the comparison; it was about stewardship. I remember those videos well; God used them in my life to point to a better way.

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