BGAV… It’s Time

bgav550It’s time for significant change. We’ve changed our structure; it’s time to work differently. We cannot continue to do things the way we’ve always done them and expect different results.

It’s time to be real. To be honest, we’ve lost our focus, we’re getting smaller and our resources are waning. We’re getting smaller because churches are choosing to disengage while others are closing their doors. Over the past five years, receipts have declined over 12%. If you don’t correct the slide, you’ll close your doors.

It’s time to be good stewards of the leadership pool. The best leaders must step up. Our men and women can no longer afford to sit on the sidelines and let someone else do the work. The time is now.

It’s time to be intentionally missional. As an organization, we need to focus our resources and energies on sending, developing and planting. We have some great vehicles for doing just that, let’s get behind them and make it happen.

It’s time to put the SBC and CBF hats on the shelf and focus on being more missional. I’m tired of your politics; I just want to be Jesus to a lost world. You cannot be mad about identity and sincerely missional at that the same time.

It’s time to quit holding hands and time to start locking arms. We don’t have time to coddle everyone’s preferences; we must engage the mission. You’ll never please everyone and shouldn’t waste time trying.

It’s time because there’s not much of it. We have a limited window of opportunity here to turn things around. Let’s get about gospel.

One thought on “BGAV… It’s Time

  1. Pingback: Four Reasons why I’m Glad Brad Hoffmann is Running for BGAV President (Adam Blosser)

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