You’re Not Sent Alone!

adoptardway1I’ve thought a lot about the lesson last weekend.

There’s something about living sent together that I can’t quit thinking about. It’s the stuff we do to remind each other to live sent daily – the simple nudge to stay on task.

Think about Luke 9 and 10 with Jesus sending the 12 and 72 respectively.

Jesus is talking to a group of people as he gives instructions about what to do and what not to take. Chances are these people are just like us. It’s easy to remember part of the instructions and forget a few. Sometimes it’s in the newness of the mission or the excitement of going that we become overwhelmed with the details and forgetful. We need each other along the way; we need reminders. That’s the beauty of living sent together. We’re there with one another to encourage each other in this redemptive mission. It is easy to forget; it is good to be reminded.

Here a few things we can nudge each other with as we live sent:

You have something to give. Just as Jesus gave the disciples power and authority, he’s given you something as well. You possess a story and ability to proclaim and live out mission. As you live sent, remember you have something to give.

Don’t get distracted along the way. Jesus’ instructions were to take nothing for the journey. These items would only distract and weigh down. Their possession would create a mindset of independence rather than dependence. It’s easy to get distracted with things that weigh us down in an effort to chase independence. Don’t get distracted from the mission of living sent ever day. Live dependent.

Live with an urgency. When Jesus told them not to greet anyone along the way, he wasn’t being rude. He knew the customary greeting was lengthy and would delay the journey. Jesus was relaying a sense of urgency about the mission. Live God’s redemptive mission with urgency.

Be relational in context. Jesus wanted his followers to stay wherever they landed. Invest where you are into the relationships around you as you live sent every day on mission. Jesus’ mission was to reconcile as is ours.

Be respectful of others. Jesus didn’t want his followers moving from house to house in search of better quarters. Demonstrate respect and appreciation for those around you as you live sent.

Accept hospitality of others graciously. Jesus told them to eat and drink what was provided by their hosts. Accept the gifts and provisions of others with gratefulness. As you give, be willing to receive.

Don’t belabor the conversation. There’s a time to begin and a time to end the conversation. You’ll never argue anyone into a relationship with Jesus; you can’t force followship. You don’t save anyone, that’s something God does. You’re to live sent every day on God’s redemptive mission right where you are today.

Just a few simple reminders for living well together on mission today 🙂