A Short Reflection a Year Later

FullSizeRenderAbout a year ago I was closing in on my weight loss goal. In September 2014, I got serious about exercise and hired a personal trainer intent on developing a meaningful lifting and cardio routine. Hard to believe it has been nearly a year. The success is I’ve kept my weight goal, maintained a consistent workout regimen and even put on some muscle. This me is definitely healthier, stronger and happier.

I’d like to say it is easy, but it is really not. Working out and monitoring eating habits is a discipline. For me, it is more than a physical battle, but an ongoing spiritual one. But, it is most definitely a battle worth fighting and winning.

I share this simply to say, it’s achievable and maintainable. Are you struggling with your weight? Are you working toward a target goal? Are you trying to make healthier choices? You can make meaningful changes and achieve your goal. I’m living proof of that fact.

The new you begins with good daily decisions compounded weekly and monthly. It’s doable. You don’t have to make it happen overnight, just simple first steps – one right after the other. This is my story and I hope to encourage yours.