Congratulations Nancy Stanton McDaniel

bgav-new-logo-facebookToday, the BGAV elected Nancy Stanton McDaniel as their new President. I want to congratulate and wish her well in this new role.

When I spoke with Nancy a few weeks ago, I told her I was fairly confident of her election. Nancy has the network, years of service and organizational tradition behind her. She’s certainly a known entity. I also told her, I was a gracious loser.

My nomination was always about direction; it was never political. When an organization suffers continued decline, a challenge to the process is a good thing. There’s a huge task ahead; a lot of decisions need to be made. Either we accept our reality by making it our future, or we choose to change by creating a new one. My hope is for change. This was my theme and If I’ve added to the conversation, then my role is complete.

To those who stood with me these past week, thank you!  I’m grateful for your friendship and incredible support. Now, we look forward.

4 thoughts on “Congratulations Nancy Stanton McDaniel

  1. Adam

    Thanks, for running. I regret that we didn’t get a chance to meet. I wish you and your church well in the coming year.

    1. Brad Hoffmann Post author

      Thanks! If you’re every near Richmond, let me know and we’ll connect. Best to you and your congregation this year too!

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