I Have Arrived, Well Maybe Not…

I have arrived! While checking my email last night, I discovered to my surprise an announcement from Starbucks informing me I’d reached the GOLD Level of My Starbucks Awards. For some time, I’ve continued to periodically reload a registered Starbucks Card. Two of the perks like no charge soy and free Wi-Fi make it worth my while since there’s no additional fee for maintaining or reloading a card. However, I didn’t realize there were distinguishable levels of consumers that they were keeping track of my Starbucks habit either. Apparently a recent change in company strategy created a shift from a fee based Gold Card (which I wasn’t interested in purchasing) to recognizing registered consumer spending habits.

Now that I’ve achieved Gold Level status at Starbucks, these are the perks I’m entitled to:

  • A personalized Gold Level Card (for my keychain)
  • A free drink for every 15 stars I earn (I like this)
  • Flavored syrup to my drink or customized soy for free (current benefit)
  • Free refills on brewed coffee and tea on every visit (this is great when you didn’t get enough sleep the night before)
  • A free tall hand-crafted beverage when you buy one pound of whole beans (worthwhile)
  • Free Wi-Fi (current benefit)
  • A free hand-crafted beverage on my birthday (I’ll see you September)
  • Tailored offers and coupons (another email in my inbox)

Actually, I’m not sure whether to get excited or to be embarrassed that someone is watching my Starbucks habit! At the minimum, it’s free coffee – not bad for a regular patron.