A Few Resources for the Mental Health Response Conversation

MH-Awareness-3I forgot to mention last weekend a few helpful resources for additional reading in the mental illness response conversation. Here a few books I’ve read which I found useful in the discussion.

Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church’s Mission by Amy Simpson. Amy shares her families struggle with her mother’s mental illness. She’s honest and transparent about many of the challenges and coping dynamics her family faced. You’ll find some wise words about how the church can respond to families with mental illness.

Depression and the Church: Is is Spiritual, or Is it Physical? By Alison K. Hall. Alison shares her journey of depression and her family’s dynamic with her illness. She tells about the spiritual struggle. There’s a meaningful conversation about stigma and how so many people perceive mental illness as spiritual when in fact it is a physical illness. She addresses the guilt she experienced in the process and how she came to grips with the reality of her depression.

Unanswered: Lasting Truth for Trending Questions by Jeremiah J. Johnston. The reason I include this book in the discussion is due to a couple of chapters in a section of the book. Jeremiah addresses the topic of mental illness and suicide in two straightforward chapters. There’s good information here along with some reflective questioning. You’ll appreciate the advice here.

Have you read something you’d recommend?