I Have a Pretty Cool Job

godworkIt’s the end of a very long week and the beginning of a scheduled weekend. I’ve been a fireman, counselor, researcher, teacher, peacemaker, encourager, friend and leader among many other things these past days. Not much time for rest and recouping this week either but, in the bigger scheme of things it all works out.

I’ve gotten to see the best and worst in people recently, which is somewhat pretty typical for me because it sort of goes with the territory. Being transparent, I get a kick out of witnessing the good; these are cool God moments. But even in the less than good moments, I get to see God at work. It’s a view I wouldn’t trade for anything.

I’m acquainted with several people walking in the midst of difficult journeys. Their attempt is to live rightly through the dark moments in a strength that’s not their own. Each is in a different place. Some are just beginning their journey while others are nearing the end of the trial. I’m encouraged by their faithfulness, dependence and trust in Him. They’ve found grace, at least enough for the moment. They’ve chosen to persevere by a strength that’s not their own. Stories will be told one day of God’s goodness and faithfulness through disappointment, loss, illness and devastation. To those walking well through your valley (even when you don’t feel like you are), thank you for your faithfulness. People are watching. From past experience, believe it or not, there is something about loitering at the intersection of grace and perseverance. We discover wisdom there. More than patience, we crave wisdom.

I’m grateful for a God who is engaged in the not so beautiful moments of life. He cares about the struggles and accompanies us in our pain. He suffered knowing rejection, pain and disappointment as well; there’s nothing for which He is unfamiliar. Hold on to that.