When is it “Right” to Remarry?

second-marriage-wedding-planning-questions__fullThat’s a question I hear from time to time as people navigate post divorce relationships. Should you marry again if you’ve been divorced?

As best as I understand it, remarriage is appropriate in the following circumstances:

If you divorced for biblical reasons like infidelity, abuse or abandonment (desertion), then you are free to remarry. You are not bound by the previous relationship.

If your spouse initiated divorce for non-biblical reasons, I believe you are free to remarry. Again, you’re no longer bound. This is treated in much the same way as you’d approach desertion or abandonment.

Here’s where it gets a little sticky:

If you initiated divorce for non-biblical reasons, I think it’s best not to remarry. This position is a bigger conversation for a future post.

But, what if you’ve already remarried and you initiated the divorce for non-biblical reasons? What should you do, if anything? I believe it is best to confess the sin (past mistakes) and circumstances, but it is very important for you to remain committed in your current relationship.

Remarriage after divorce is really a personal decision. For some, singleness is the right choice while others will choose to marry again. I alway advise people to take some time and not rush into another relationship.

As a Christ follower, should you choose to remarry, it’s best to seek out a relationship with another committed Christ follower.

Remarriage is complex conversation and one which deserves meaningful dialogue. My attempt here is to provide a brief simplistic outline to an involved topic. Thoughtful responses are always appreciated 🙂