God’s Invitation

I’ve often thought about Joshua’s transition. You find the story recorded in Joshua 1:1 and following. Moses is dead and the mantle is now passed. God says to Joshua, “Get ready to cross the Jordan.” I wonder what he thought? Previously prohibited from entering the land, now the door is open and the invitation extended. He’d been there before. Joshua knew the land having surveyed it years earlier. He awaited possession while living in the consequence of another’s poor decision and disobedience. Joshua would now lead a people he knew to a land he’d seen and believed to be right. He lived confidently in God’s promise. God was giving the land. No one or thing would stand in the way. God’s presence would be evident – never departing or giving up. God’s word to Joshua was to be strong, courageous, obedient, focused, and learned.

Here are a couple of thoughts taken from the context:

God’s timing is right. There were generational lessons to learn and grow through. There’s always a cost in disobedience. Learn through the discipline. He truly disciplines those He loves. For years the timing had not been right. God opened the door and extended the invitation at the appropriate moment.

Hold on to what you know, the vision you’ve seen, and the future you believe. Joshua had not only surveyed the land, but he’d walked the land. The soles of his feet left prints upon the land years earlier. He knew this to be God’s promise – God would do this. He’d seen, touched, and walked the space. Even through all the wilderness wanderings, I’m certain the images of a promised future were etched upon his heart and mind. Don’t ever give up on the vision – what you know God to someday do.

Live your responsibility. God’s command to Joshua was to be strong (in His strength), live courageously, obedient to God’s instruction, always focused, and demonstrating God’s word. Joshua’s responsibility – live encouraged, obedient, and disciplined. While God was giving, Joshua had a responsibility to model faith. Live faithfully regardless of the circumstances and context.

How about you – Got dreams? Have a vision, promise, or hope that’s yet to be realized? Remember that God’s timing is right, hold to what you know (the dream, vision, hope, or promise), and model faith. God is at work. One day soon you’ll hear the invitation to join Him in the vision.