My Happy List

Have you ever created a happy list? It’s really simple – a list of the things that make you happy or put a smile on your face. I created this short happy list for something I shared in church last Sunday. I used it to illustrate the moments of happiness as contrasted with a lifetime of joy. I think happiness is good, but joy is best. You can’t confuse the two because they’re completely different. I realize people often confuse the pursuit of happiness with the pursuit of joy. Happiness is rooted in emotion; joy is rooted in attitude. While I pursue joy, it’s not a bad thing to enjoy happiness as long as it is in keeping with God’s will and purpose for your life.

You can also learn a lot about a person by what makes them happy. In the busyness of life, it’s good to take a “happy” vacation every once in a while – perhaps daily. Here’s the list I shared with a few revisions. Take a few moments to create a list of your own. It’s good for the attitude.

· Beginning of a Rockets Game

· Baseball caps

· Flip flops

· A new haircut

· Collecting coffee cups

· Coca-Cola in a glass bottle

· Orange Juice popsicles

· Tall No Foam Soy Latte @ Starbucks

· Snickerdoodle Coffee (Melba Pittman)

· Raisin Bread (Suzanne Pruitt)

· Texas blue sky and the sunsets

· Emerald green waters of Destin, Florida

· North Carolina Mountains

· Cool overcast days at the beach

· Jolanta’s smile

· A smile on the face of Katey, Angie, and Chris

· The smell of fresh cut grass

· The yard freshly mowed – after putting the equipment away

· The completion of a workout

· Sleeping in when everyone else does too.

· Gator Football

· Going to a football game – college or professional

· An “ah ha” moment

· My children excelling in something they enjoy

· Grilling then consuming bison burgers

· A good nights sleep

· Reading a good book

· Writing

· Simple truths

· Bookstores

· Coffee shops

· A full tank of gas

· Fall (in the air)

· Asiago Cheese Bagel (from Panera Bread Company)

· Central Market and Whole Foods (walking through the stores checking out samples)

· A completed “To-Do List”

· A Tweet idea

· Music from Jr. High and High School.

· Laughter

· Receiving “Thank You” notes

· Watching the original Law and Order series

· My own bed

· Thursday afternoons – the beginning of my weekend

· Monday mornings – a whole week until Sunday (breathe)

· A last car payment

3 thoughts on “My Happy List

  1. TimothyDalenberg

    Hi, i just sort of stumbled onto your blog, and i find it to be one of the most encouraging blogs i have read so far. I just wanted to encourage you to keep it up. Thanks!

    timothy j. dalenberg

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