On Praying for Leaders

Okay, so we talked about praying for our leaders yesterday in church. The attempt was to take 1 Timothy 2:1-4 and apply it to our personal prayer practice for leadership. Perhaps the most significant word in this passage is the word “everyone.” Paul’s instruction to Timothy was to pray for everyone including kings and those in authority. Our petitions (requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving) are made for everyone – including the leaders we don’t particularly like or don’t agree with. Coming from Paul, this is a huge validation of such practice. If there was ever a man who understood what it was like to be a victim of the political climate, it was Paul. If Paul can pray for leaders, I most certainly should be able.

When praying for those in authority in which you might have a less than like for, be careful to honor Paul’s formula in praying for leaders. Don’t pray for their harm, karma, or any such unfortunate consequence. Pray for wisdom, health, godly influence, discernment, decisions, salvation, and the like. Pray for God’s will and for their opportunity to be an instrument of that will. I’ve embedded a video that Alan sent me earlier. It’s a humorous take on praying for others. Advice: please don’t practice praying for others according to the lyrics of this song. This is not a good example of how not to pray for others you disagree with. Don’t go and do likewise; go and do opposite. You’ll get a laugh though!

2 thoughts on “On Praying for Leaders

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