Rick Warren, Homosexual Marriage, and an Inaugural Invocation

I’ve observed a new level of hypocrisy and thankfully it’s not from the church this time. Citizens have been making a “whole lot of nothing” out of this entire Inaugural Invocation by Rick Warren. Many in the political and religious blogosphere are commenting about this simple and historic prayer. I applaud Rick Warren for agreeing to participate in this notable opportunity; it is the right thing to do. The supporters for the legalization and legitimization of homosexual marriage have gone ballistic and have completely blown this whole thing out of proportion. Every position from the pro-homosexual marriage debate cries out for tolerance and ridicules and labels their every opponent as intolerant. Now that Warren has been selected by Obama to offer the invocation, the shoe is on the other foot. They’re calling for his removal from the program and for someone more sympathetic or tolerant towards the homosexual marriage agenda. Tolerance is a game of convenience to the minority movement. All of a sudden, they who once called for tolerance (from those opposed to homosexual marriage) are the very ones who are demonstrating intolerance. It’s another glaring example of the hypocrisy in the gay marriage movement.

I’m really looking forward to Warren’s prayer. The world will be watching as he steps to the platform. Maybe he’ll even pray in Jesus’ name; I can’t wait.