You Are Not Alone

You are not alone! That’s should be the pastor’s mantra. We can get spiritual about that clique and acknowledge Christ’s presence with us. It’s true; He never leaves us or forsakes us. It’s empowering to contemplate God’s continual presence. He knows our thoughts and actions. He’s our strength and our wisdom. Our relationship with God is not only primary, it’s essential.

There’s another important relationship that needs our attention, too. I’m referring to the incredible value of friendships. We need to recognize God’s presence, but we also need to encourage the presence of people in our life, too. One of the primary reasons ministers fail in ministry is because they lack a meaningful peer relationship where someone can speak truth and wisdom into a life. You need real friends, something more then acquaintances. Someone you can really tell how you feel when they ask.

Who can you speak truthfully with? With whom can you let your hair down and just be yourself? Who can you share your disappointments as well as your successes with? Is there a name that comes to mind? Every minister needs at least one person they can be “real” with. This “one” person needs to be another minister or para-church employee. Why does it need to be someone else in ministry? People in ministry understand the unique dynamics, expectations, and challenges faced by those in ministry. A minister is uniquely equipped to sharpen another minister just because of where they’ve been.

This principle of the presence of people extends beyond the need of the ministry professional. It works for anyone in any walk of life. People need people in their life to encourage, challenge, and guide. People make mistakes in life when they don’t have someone to talk with about their choices or circumstances.

So, who are you going to call? Remember, you’re not alone. God didn’t intend for you to do life alone.