Models and Expectations

Sometimes I think we’ve got it all wrong. Now I know that sounds negative, but maybe it’ll get your attention. If the typical church model is ineffectively impacting the culture and clergy continue leaving ministry burned out and disillusioned then something must be off balance. There must be a serious disconnect between model and minister. Many churches operate disengaged from their communities utilizing an obsolete model and methods. I think we’ve got to ask ourselves two weighty questions. What are the most effective models and methods for influencing our community for Christ? Is what we’re doing the most effective strategy for reaching and developing people? If we’re to be serious about discovering an answer to this question, we must be willing to release the “sacred” cows out to pasture. There’s a need for a willingness to enter into this discussion without prejudice and personal preferences. Then there’s that second question. Are our expectations of our leadership and clergy unrealistic? Do we place unrealistic expectations upon the minister? Obsolete methods and models combined with unrealistic and unhealthy expectations create disastrous results. Discover and implement a relevant model. Create and define realistic and healthy clergy expectations. I think that’s a prescription for healthier churches and clergy.